Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Explanation of the Creature of Nightmare Archetype

The Creature of Nightmare is a type of monster usually summoned from the deepest, darkest part of the human psyche. It comes to threaten the lives of the hero/herione

The Creature of Nightmare may vary from person to person. For some it could be a clown.


or it could be something as simple as a spider.

 Most of the time, the creature is a perversion or desecration of the human body



Nightmarish creatures from mythology/legends

A example of a Creature of Nightmare from mythology/ legend would be the gargoyle, who is pictured above. They are usually found as statues on old medieval style buildings around europe.

And they had a tv show


Symbols of the Creature of Nightmare

The Creature of Nightmare is associated with dark  images. The creature of nightmare is usually a perversion or desecration of the human body. But the reature of nightmare's main symbol is they are just downright scary!

Nightmare Film

A good film character to show the Nightmare Archetype would be Freddy Kruger from A Nightmare on Elm Street 

Current Events

This is kind of old but I found not one but two creatures from nightmare.

The first one is Cyclopes, the kitten born with one eye.

You can read more about him

And then there is the winner of the worlds ugliest dog contest.

He can read about here: ugly dog

If that disturbed you here is something more enjoyable


A nightmarish poem

I sleep
and you come for me
oh dusky steed!
Take me to that dark place
of my subconscious were I dread
the monsters of my mind,
no screaming hell could be
so horrible as that which lurks there.
I hear their screams;
black demons
no priest can exorcise them.
They are mine
I cherish them
I hate them.
Hands around my ankles
hopes are torn,
you drag me on,
Midnight Stallion
take me off
take me away,
when daylight reaches us.

Nightmare Art

Here is a "classical" era nightmare painting, simply titled The Nightmare. It was painted by Henry Fuseli around 1782.  I got this picture from here 

This is a more modern piece of art. It was done by kalessaradan 

This is his profile